Force Majeure - Walla Walla Estate Cabernet Sauvignon 2019
Force Majeure 是一家位於瓦拉瓦拉谷的超優質酒莊,專門生產莊園種植的單一葡萄園波爾多葡萄酒和羅納河風格的葡萄酒。我們的葡萄酒由前布萊恩特家族葡萄園釀酒師托德亞歷山大精心釀造。自成立以來,「不可抗力」就被定義為對卓越葡萄栽培和模範釀酒的堅定承諾。我們原來的葡萄園位於著名的紅山 AVA, 過去幾年我們在瓦拉瓦拉谷又增加了兩個新的葡萄園。
'Force Majeure is an ultra-premium winery located in the Walla Walla Valley, specializing in estate-grown, single-vineyard Bordeaux and Rhône-inspired wines. Our wines are meticulously crafted by former Bryant Family Vineyard Winemaker, Todd Alexander. From its inception, Force Majeure has been defined by unwavering commitment to outstanding viticulture and exemplary winemaking. Our original estate vineyard is located in the famous Red Mountain AVA and we have added two new vineyard sites over the past couple of years in the Walla Walla Valley.'
Variety: Cabernet SauvignonVintage: 2019
Size: 750ml