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Lost Distillery Towiemore whisky Archivist 700ml
  • Lost Distillery Towiemore whisky Archivist 700ml

    A blended malt from The Lost Distillery Company's Archivist's Selection, made to represent what the whisky from the long-closed Towiemore distillery could have tasted like. Half historians, half blenders, The Lost Distillery Company research closed distilleries and find out as much as they can about them so they can do their best job of recreating their whisky. The Towiemore distillery was a short-lived venture, producing whisky between 1898 and 1931.



    The Lost Distillery Company
    The Lost Distillery Company doesn’t have warehouses full of old whisky, nor a dimension-spanning porthole to the past, but aspire to create present day expressions of legendary whiskies crafted almost a century ago. They focus on the 10 key components that created the character of the original whisky, helped by an Archiving Team who gather information on how the spirit may have tasted when it was last distilled. These components may be the location, the water, the yeast, what material the mash tun was made from, and the shape and size of the still. Since chill filtration wasn’t a thing a century ago, no whiskies from The Lost Distillery Company are chill filtered.



    Product Name: Lost Distillery Towiemore whisky Archivist


    Country:United Kingdom




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