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Wild Turkey Rare Breed Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

Wild Turkey Rare Breed Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

Wild Turkey® Rare Breed是一款正宗的桶裝威士忌,已經被譽為世界上最好的波旁威士忌之一。它自信的個性是無法錯認的 - 這款116.8證明的全身波旁威士忌直接來自肯塔基州野火雞酒庫。


這款小批量波旁威士忌是由選擇最深炭燒的美國白橡木桶製成的。這個複雜的過程是為了實現一種特殊的、獨特的口味,你在其他地方是找不到的。大師釀酒師Jimmy Russell混合了野火雞6、8和12歲的庫存,賦予Wild Turkey® Rare Breed其獨特的個性。




Wild Turkey® Rare Breed是一種真正的肯塔基州直接波旁威士忌,具有香草、焦糖和香料的獨特風味。由於其特殊的風味,這種高品質的威士忌最好是純飲或加冰享用。它的外觀和味道一樣好,呈現出濃郁的琥珀色,這是由於在一個帶有4號“鱷魚”炭燒的桶中長時間陳釀。畢竟,證明就在酒桶裡。


Wild Turkey® Rare Breed is an authentic barrel proof bourbon that has earned acclaim as one of the finest bourbons in the world. Its confident character is unmistakable — the 116.8-proof, full-bodied bourbon is sourced straight from the Wild Turkey rickhouse in Kentucky.


This small batch bourbon is made from hand-selected American white oak barrels with the deepest char. This intricate process is followed in order to achieve a special, singular flavor you won’t find anywhere else. Master Distiller Jimmy Russell blended together Wild Turkey 6-, 8-, and 12-year-old stocks to give Wild Turkey® Rare Breed its unique character. 


The barrel proof bourbon is uncut, so no water was added to lower the proof or dilute the taste after it has been distilled. And because it's bottled directly out of the barrel, the ABV varies slightly from batch to batch.


Wild Turkey® Rare Breed is a true Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey with a distinct profile of vanilla, caramel, and spices. Thanks to its exceptional flavor, this high quality whiskey is best enjoyed neat or on the rocks. And it looks just as good as it tastes, with a rich amber color that comes from aging for a long time in a barrel with No. 4 “alligator” char. After all, the proof is in the barrel.


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