Glen Grant 15 Year Scotch Whisky 700ml
Master Distiller Dennis Malcolm, the longest-serving distiller in Scotland, crafted this 15 Years Old single malt Scotch whisky at 50% ABV ‘Batch Strength’, bringing an intensified expression of The Glen Grant’s signature style. Matured in hand-selected first-fill ex-bourbon casks, an impactful flavour is further enhanced by non chill-filtration for a fuller texture. This golden liquid offers aromas of citrus fruit & toffee accompanied by a rich palate of spiced pear, apricot & vanilla, leaving a nutty finish with delicate notes of fruit.
Classic Glen Grant soft, fruity, nutty DNA, released at 50% ABV ‘Batch Strength’ and Non-Chill-Filtered for an intensified fuller texture. Batch Strength refers to when Master Distiller Dennis Malcolm feels this single malt Whisky has reached its peak for an optimal experience, providing the opportunity to savour at a high ABV or alternatively with a droplet of water to reduce down to a standard lower ABV to suit ones own specific palate.Colour: Golden barley.
Aroma: Delicate floral, fresh citrus, apple & honeydew melon notes give way to soft caramel & oakiness.
Taste: Honey & hints of spice & vanilla, apricot marmalade & maltiness with slight spice & nuttiness.
Finish: Long, malty, honey, apple & soft spices.
Product Name: Glen Grant 15 Year Scotch Whisky
Volume: 700ml
Country: United Kingdom
ABV: 50%
Type: Single Malt