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Lambay Malt Irish 700ml
  • Lambay Malt Irish 700ml

    SKU: IW0012

    The tides are always changing on Lambay Island and so too with the Lambay Whiskey team, who continue to explore, pioneer, and innovate our product portfolio. Introducing the latest addition to the Lambay Whiskey family – Lambay Malt Irish Whiskey.

    A unique master blend of single malt whiskeys, triple and double distilled, bourbon cask matured and uniquely finished in cognac casks. Bringing a truly unusual elixir to the market, our spirit is sourced from only the finest independent distilleries in Ireland before it is blended with Lambay Single Malt casks that have been exposed to the sea air and maritime winds on Lambay. Like our other two bottlings (Lambay Small Batch Blend and Lambay Single Malt) the Island's own water source, Trinity Well water is added in the final flourish before bottling , to deliver this delicious and smooth malt Irish whiskey.

    The art of blending and expertise from Maison Camus in France spans five generations and our blend of Malt Irish Whiskey is carefully realised under the watchful eye of our Master of Maturation, Yonael Bernard. Unusual in the world of Irish whiskey to have a French Master Blender , but then again nothing about Lambay Whiskey is usual!

    Like our founding families are blended together in the story of our whiskey, so too is our blended malt whiskey, a unique expression formed by expertise, innovation, and craft.

    For the curious whiskey aficionado, we advise adding a pinch of sea salt or proudly serve neat in your favourite whiskey glass.

    • Volumn


    • Alcohol%


    • Color

      Mahogany Brown

    • Aroma

      Malt, Floral, Ripe Banana, Fig

    • Taste

      Coconut, Malt, Dried Berries Nutmeg & Cardamom

    • Finish

      Long lasting malt, lingering sweetness & hint of spice

    HK$820.00 Regular Price
    HK$720.00Sale Price

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    Address: Unit 804-805, 8/F, Mega Trade Centre,1 Mei Wan Street, Tsuen Wan, HK(Order online and pick up in-store)
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