Sherwood Chardonnay 2023
Sherwood 2023 夏多內葡萄酒採用我們位於北坎特伯雷懷帕拉的格拉斯內文葡萄園精選葡萄釀造而成。水果是機器採摘的,狀況極佳,並在果皮上留了一小段時間。將水果輕輕壓榨,然後放入法國橡木桶中進行本土發酵和七個月的酒泥陳釀。然後將這些包裹混合在一起,在裝瓶前進行輕度澄清和過濾。
The Sherwood 2023 Chardonnay was produced from selected parcels of fruit grown on our Glasnevin vineyard in Waipara, North Canterbury. The fruit was machine harvested, in excellent condition, and left on skins for a short period. The fruit was gently pressed then racked to French oak barriques for indigenous fermentation and seven months lees aging. The parcels were then blended together, lightly fined and filtered prior to bottling.