白岳仙 純米大吟醸 路考 720ml
Brewery Information
Yasumoto Shuzo Co., Ltd.安本酒造有限会社 was established in the 6th Kaei era (1853) and is located in Yasuhara-machi, Fukui City, Fukui Prefecture. The sake brewery is located in a beautiful rural area. It was founded in Sengoku Period and under Asakura Yoshikage (朝倉義景). The brewery is next to a spectacular waterfall which is the sword practice area of the famous Japanese swordsman, Sasaki Kojiro (佐佐木小次郎).
The sake was brewed with about 200 meters of groundwater of Mountain Hakusan (medium-hard water). Hakugakusen is a small-batch production sake brewery that produces around 500 Koku (石) of sake every time. Hakugakusen's value is to try their best to produce impressive sake but not pursue the quantity and choose reliable sake distributors. Their value was admired by the Japanese sake lover. The owner of Yasumoto Shuzo Co., Ltd., 安本岳史, is a passionate sake brewer. The sake brand Hakugakusen 白岳仙 was named by his name, 岳.
All the sake of Hakugakusen was brewed with the sake rice of Fukui Prefecture, also, with no added brewing alcohol. Medium-hard groundwater from Mountain Hakusan provides a refreshing and clean texture for the sake. The sake also gives you a refreshing and crispy acidity. The brewery pursues the pairing of sake and food. Their sake perfectly matches the Echizen crab.
Product Information
<!--td {border: 1px solid #cccccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->Rokou is a name of Japanese traditional color. It was brewed with Fukui Prefecture's specially cultivated "Gin no Sato" rice at different polishing rates (40%/40%、50%/50%) to achieve a good balance of aroma, flavor, and sharpness. It has a unique banana and mineral sense. The serving temperature is 5℃~ 12℃.
Product Name: 白岳仙 純米大吟醸 路考
Category: Sake
Polishing Rate:40%、50%、55%(Mix)
Sake Meter Value:+4.5
Acidity in Sake:1.65